Are You Ready for Help

Senior Referral Agency

Care Pathways

If I were setting in a room with you right now and could hear your story. I would be able to see how caring has affected you and your life.

I would ask you only one question, are you ready for help?

So many caregivers feel that no one else can take of their loved one the way they would. You are right. Someone who is not connected in an emotional way can actually do a better job. They do the labor (the hard work) and than they go home. The caregiver however is home and have the work load 24/7, with no time off. Unless you have a family who may be supportive and help you. I have found that adult children usually do not have good understanding of their are growing older and may need help and some caregivers will not ask the adult child for help. Many times I hear from seniors “my children have their own life, I do not wish to burden them.” In some situations families are estranged from one another. What ever your story, whatever your situation there is help.

Many more caregivers suffer stress, health concerns of their own and never get as far as even seeing a doctor. Although caregivers are a truly diverse group, stress is a common experience to all. For more information contact Care Pathways or your local Area on Aging in your community.

Life Care Social Workers


Senior Referral Agency

Care Pathways

Care Pathways formedĀ  Life Care Social Workers to assist you and your senior loved ones when long or short term care is needed. We provide more than just information, we work closely with our community programs that can help add care and help when placement is needed.

For assistance contact us we are here to help, here to listen and here to care.

Get in touch with us!