Senior Care for 2018 A New Year


How can it be that another year has gone by? It seems we go to sleep a couple of times,wake up and another year is gone. We did a recap recently of all the goals that were met for 2017, with our clients and families and we are pleased to announce that with your help, our community or Orange County, St Jude Hospital, Hoag, Placenta Linda hospital, APS, and many social workers, case managers and physicians we helped serve over 2,000 seniors last year.

We have many NEW goals for this year in our community of care and the providers that reach out to Care Pathways for help and assistance in moments of need. Our common bond and a shared vision is what sets Care Pathways apart from , just another referral service. We look forward in the coming year to serve our senior care community with compassion and hope. We also will be touring new programs and evaluating new facilities in Orange County to make sure they meet our standard of care for your loved one.

Always at the heart of Care Pathways since 1999 we are care driven, with a seniors needs coming first and foremost, assessment and follow up care for as long as needed. Happy New Year to all and many Blessings to you. MK

New Day New Year

Care Pathways wish’s all our families and clients a very blessed and Happy New year. I know many are dealing with multiple medical issues as well as caregiver stress. Please reach out for help in the New Year. Care Pathways is here to help and here to listen with solutions in Orange County for you or a loved one.

Care for Seniors

I have been asked many times what it takes to provide care for a senior with multiple medical needs. The answer is one that must fit the unique needs, as no two persons are alike. Not one size fits all.

Some persons do very well living in their home with assistance, while others may need a higher level of care. The difference in care depends on many factors, as well as family support, the monies to fund this care, and or medi-cal in California, which will pay for long-term care but only in skilled nursing if the senior meets the medical guidelines. Requiring assistance with dressing, bathing, incontinent care, walking, dementia care.  Many other factors come into play with options for a more active senior that is private pay, assisted living, or a smaller Care Home which, is centered around a more hands on approach.

Whatever the situation you need more than just a referral to a facility, you need to know all options as well as location, ratings of facilities, do they provide an on-site nurse, is their awake at night caregivers, how is medication handled. Is transportation provided to and from doctor appointments, what activities are provided.

When choosing an agency, are they local or a nation wide referral service that just provides a data base. Most persons are not aware that facilities need to be monitored and known well by the referring agency. Care Pathways is located in Orange County and has provided families and seniors with concrete services and information for over 20 years. We are the only service that provides Social Workers as well as RN’s to assess and determine what will meet your loved ones needs. We also provide ongoing case-management services for seniors as needed. For real time help contact us at (714) 743-6309 24/7

Senior Referral Agency

Care Pathways


Depression in The Elderly






Older people are at risk for depression, are underserved by the mental health profession, and have the highest rates of suicide in the country. But many seniors are resistant to treatment because they don’t want to burden their families, or equate depression with weakness or even death.

“One of the hardest questions I get from families is, ‘How can I get my elderly loved one mental health help when they don’t want it?’ “

“The elderly are less likely to cope with loss as well as young people because of the added years of meaning behind it,” many loss’s have occurred in a lifetime and some may have not been processed. So many persons suffer one loss after the other and after multiple loss’s as we age it gets harder to process or is not talked about at all.  Ask your elderly parent what they feel about the loss. It’s really important to hear them out and honor their emotions. Avoid judgements or telling them how you think they should feel. No two people are alike and we all have different coping skills.

Identifying and effectively treating older patients who suffer from depression continues to be a challenge. Primary Care Physicians  tend to screen for and treat depression, and although well-intentioned, treatment in a primary care setting does not always yield the best outcome for older patients. For example, a patient may start an anti-depressant, develop side effects and just stop taking it, or not know that when they feel better they are supposed to stay on their medication.

Unfortunately, all too many depressed seniors fail to recognize the symptoms of depression, or don’t take the steps to get the help they need. There are many reasons depression in older adults and the elderly is so often overlooked:

  • You may assume you have good reason to be down or that depression is just part of aging.
  • You may be isolated—which in itself can lead to depression—with few around to notice your distress.
  • You may not realize that your physical complaints are signs of depression.
  • You may be reluctant to talk about your feelings or ask for help.

Depression isn’t a sign of weakness or a character flaw. It can happen to anyone, at any age, no matter your background or your previous accomplishments in life. Know the signs and symptoms and reach out to your local mental health professionals for help for your loved one.

For more information and how to help contact Care Pathways

Get in touch with us!